February 23, 2024

Adorable Capybaras as Pets: What You Need to Know


Can I own a capybara as a pet in Dallas, Fort Worth, Burleson, or North Texas?


YES!, You can own a capybara as a pet in the state of Texas. (You would have to check individual cities or HOAs for additional restrictions.)


Capybaras, often dubbed as the world's largest rodents, have gained popularity as exotic pets in recent years. These gentle, social creatures with their cute appearance and amiable disposition have charmed many animal lovers. However, before considering a capybara as a pet, there are several important factors to take into account.

1. Legal Considerations

The first and foremost step when contemplating a capybara as a pet is to research your local laws and regulations regarding exotic animals. Many regions have strict guidelines on owning capybaras.


(But if you live in subdivision somewhere in  the North Texas area like Dallas, Fort Worth, Burleson, area and you don't feel like you have the right home or yard to own your own capybara, you can visit The Dunham Farm Wildlife Park/Petting Zoo... we have several for you to enjoy - Book a VIP experience today - thedunhamfarm.com)

2. Size and Space Requirements

Capybaras are large animals, typically weighing between 77 to 146 pounds (35 to 66 kilograms) when fully grown. They require ample space.  A spacious backyard or access to a suitable enclosure is essential to ensure their physical and mental well-being.

3. Social Nature

Capybaras are highly social animals and thrive in the company of their own kind. However, many people have had great success only having one as long as they give it plenty of attention.

4. Diet and Nutrition

Capybaras are herbivores with a diet primarily consisting of grasses and veggies.

5. Water Requirements

Being semi-aquatic, capybaras love access to water for swimming, however, many capybara pet owners have just given theirs regular playtime in the yard with a hose and they love that just as much.

6. Temperament

While capybaras are generally known for their gentle temperament, they still require proper socialization and training. It's important to remember that they are wild animals and can have unpredictable behaviors.

8. Lifespan

Capybaras have a relatively long lifespan of 8 to 10 years in the wild and can live even longer in captivity. Owning a capybara is a long-term commitment that should not be taken lightly.


Capybaras are undoubtedly one of the most adorable pet options with their friendly demeanor and cute appearance. However,  it's essential not to just do internet research as there will be a great deal of misinformation from animal rights groups and regurgitated information that is truly inaccurate.  We suggest you consult with experts... those who like us, have actually raised exotic animals for several decades from babies to adults.  If you are willing to meet their specific needs and provide a loving, suitable environment, a capybara can make an extraordinary and unforgettable addition to your life.